There are numerous spiritual benefits of zikr and Wazifa during Ramadan, some of which are discussed below: Increased mindfulness and awareness of Allah: zikr and Wazifa help to increase our mindfulness and awareness of Allah, as we repeat his names and verses from the Quran. Ramadan is an excellent time to increase our Dhikr and connect with Allah (SWT) through it. Here are ten Dhikr you can do in Ramadan: SubhanAllah (سُبْحَانَ الله) – Glory be to Allah. This phrase reminds us of Allah’s greatness and perfection. It’s a simple yet powerful way to praise and glorify Allah (SWT). Our purpose in this life is to worship the Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā); to submit to Him, obey Him and love Him. Dhikr (remembering Allah) is one of the greatest ways to achieve this. The following are some of the many virtues of this noble act from the Qur’ān and Sunnah: 1. Dhikr Is Greater than Everything. Allah (subḥānahū wa ta‘ālā) says, “ Remembering Allah (Dhikr) brings great benefits, such as spiritual well-being, tranquility and softening of the heart. By Dhikr the Muslim attains great reward by doing a small deed, which is simply moving one’s lips and reciting a few words. It is an excellent Zikr to recite in Ramadan when all good deeds and rewards are increased by twofold. This Zikr helps you cleanse your heart and soul and feel renewed by putting yourself in front of God Himself. Now, here are 10 deeds that can be done easily to earn a mountain of rewards: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man and believing woman.” (Narrated by Tabarani) The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: What is dhikr? Remembering Allah SWT. It keeps the heart pure as dhikr has numerous benefits. How to do dhikr, Islamic quotes, and types are discussed here. There are great benefits for Muslim who says Dhikr and keeps his heart and tongue in remembrance of Allah SWT. Here are some of them, for these benefits Allah SWT guide/order Muslims to remember Him a lot: {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيرًا ، وَسَبِّحُوهُ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا} (سورة الأحزاب: 41-42) 1) Zikr keeps away the Shaitân and weakens his strength. 2) It is the cause of Almighty Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure. 3) It relieves the mind from anxieties and worries. Some of these include multiple benefits, in that case their actual number exceeds more than one hundred: 1) Zikr keeps away the Shaitân and weakens his strength. 2) It is the cause of Almighty Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure. 3) It relieves the mind from anxieties and worries. 4) It produces joy and happiness in the heart. 73 Benefits of Zikr- Imam Ibn Qayyim (RA) Al Imam Ibn Qayyim (RA), a well-known Muhadith (A scholar of traditions), has written an authentic book, 'Al-Waabilus Sayyib', on the virtues of Zikr, which are more than one hundred and he has listed seventy nine of these, which are briefly given below in the same order. Mental Benefits of Ramadan. The mental benefits of fasting during Ramadan reflect a sacred transformation that occurs when the body and soul are in harmony. Fasting sharpens focus, clarifies thoughts, and heightens emotional resilience, helping Muslims navigate life’s challenges with newfound strength and peace. 1. Elevated Mood and Inner Peace Benefits: Say before you go to bed and after every Salah. Gives you benefits. 7. Astaghfirullah. Translation: I seek Allah’s forgiveness. Benefits: Protection from Allah’s punishment. 8. Ayat Al Kursi. Quran [2:255] Recite or Read before you go to sleep. Benefits: Allah sends a Guardian angel to you and no Shaytan (Devil) will come to you The Importance of Dhikr | Benefits and Effects in the Life of Benefits of fasting in Ramadan. More than one billion Muslims globally practice a strict ritual of moral abstinence and fasting during the month of Ramadan. The tradition of fasting dates back more than 1,300 years and started with the formation of Islam. Given below are numerous benefits of fasting in Ramadan: Spiritual benefits of Ramadan fasting The holy month of Ramadan is once again upon us. While most of us will be fasting and praying and seeking Allah’s blessings in this month some would be spending even more time in extra prayers and remembrance of Allah. Every year Ramadan offers a kind of transcendental experience for many Muslims. Fasting has Benefits of the Morning And Evening Adhkar. The benefits are many Establishing closeness and love for Allah. In one of the most famous hadith the Prophet SAW said: “Allah the Exalted and Transcendent states: ‘I am near to the thoughts of my bondsman (servant) as he thinks about Me. While many aspects of Zikr are specifically defined for us, such as Hajj once in our lifetime, fasting in Ramadan once a year, praying in congregation at least once a week (on Friday) and praying five times a day, the times between are not meant to be void of thoughts of Allah. Here are some ways to incorporate and ensure Zikr in our everyday Dhikr: 5 Best Azkar With The Best Rewards In Islam Itikaf Benefits. Offering Itikaf has numerous benefits. A person takes oneself away from this materialistic world and its; He/she gets time to develop a pure connection with God. Time for one’s self-reflection. A way to say thanks to Allah for His blessings. More time to understand and reciting the Quran.
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