Der Ramadan ist der neunte Monat des islamischen Mondkalenders und widmet sich dem Fasten, einer im Koran verankerten muslimischen Pflicht. Fasten gehört zu den fünf Grundpfeilern des Islam, zu denen auch das öffentliche Glaubensbekenntnis, das tägliche rituelle Gebet, die soziale Spende und die Wallfahrt nach Mekka zählen. Ausnahmen beim Fasten während des Ramadan 2025. Einige Gläubige müssen nicht am Fastenmonat teilnehmen. Ausgenommen vom Ramadan sind alte und gebrechliche Menschen sowie kleine Kinder. Denn ein guter Gesundheitszustand ist unabdinglich für das Fasten. Mitunter bis zu 16 Stunden ohne Wasser auszukommen ist schließlich kein Zuckerschlecken. Das Fasten im Ramadan gehört zu den fünf Säulen des Islams, die für jeden gläubigen Muslim Pflicht sind. Fasten soll helfen, die Seele zu reinigen und das Verhältnis zu den Mitmenschen zu Warum wid an Ramadan gefastet? Das Fasten im Ramadan gehört zu den fünf Säulen des Islams. Muslime sollen in diesem Monat durch ihr tägliches Fasten die besondere Bedeutung von Gottes Schöpfung und Gnade kennenlernen und die Gaben Gottes sehr intensiv genießen. Der Prophet Mohammed war der erste Moslem, der an Ramadan fastete. Wann ist Ramadan 2025? Und welche Regeln gelten im Fastenmonat für Muslime? Hier finden Sie die Infos und die Termine für Beginn und Ende der Fastenzeit im Islam. When Is Ramadan? This year, Ramadan is expected to begin at sundown on Friday, February 28, and end at sundown on Sunday, March 30. The final evening of Ramadan consists of a celebration called Eid al-Fitr, when the traditional month-long fast is ended with a feast. Here’s essential rules of Ramadan fasting that ensure the faithful observance of Ramadan fasting as prescribed by Islamic teachings. The requirements for Ramadan fasting mandate abstaining from dawn to sunset for healthy adults, with exemptions for certain groups. Das Ende des Ramadan wird das Fest des Fastenbrechens gefeiert. 2025 ist das am 30.03. Je nach Land variiert die Anzahl der Feiertage und die Ausrichtung des Festes. During the fasting period of Ramadan, Muslims traditionally take two fixed meals: A morning meal called Sahur, usually eaten half an hour before dawn; and Iftar, the fast-breaking meal immediately after sunset. Following the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims break the fast with eating dates. Ramadan ist der Fastenmonat im Islam, am Ende steht das Zuckerfest. Wir erklären, welche Regeln es gibt und welche Bedeutung diese Zeit hat. während des Ramadans zu fasten. Kinder werden The end of the Ramadan fast is celebrated as Eid al-Fitr, the “Feast of Fast-Breaking,” which is one of the two major religious holidays of the Muslim calendar (the other, Eid al-Adha, marks the end of the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are expected to perform at least once in their lives if they are financially and When does Ramadan end? According to, the holy holiday will end March 30. What is Eid? Eid al-Fitr, a religious holiday, marks the end of Ramadan. Muslims honor the special day by Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, is a time of great devotion, self-discipline, and reflection for Muslims worldwide. In addition to being a guide for millions of individuals in their daily prayers, the exact fasting timings—which specify when to begin and end the fast each day—are crucial to this sacred observance. Egypt experiences one of the longest fasting durations in the region. On the first day of Ramadan, fasting in Cairo begins at 4:54 AM and ends around 5:54 PM, resulting in approximately 13 hours and 20 minutes of fasting. This makes Cairo’s fast one of the more demanding in the region, particularly as the temperature rises throughout the day. Ramadan 2025: Sehri And Iftar Timings. Fasting during Ramadan is a sacred duty for Muslims. It is observed from dawn to sunset. The fast starts with Sehri, the meal before sunrise, and ends with Iftar, the meal after sunset. Knowing the correct Sehri and Iftar timings is crucial to observing the fast correctly. Ramadan, the holy month of fasting in Islam, begins on Friday, Feb. 28 and will end with Eid al-Fitr on the evening of Sunday, March 30.. Related: Where to celebrate Ramadan in Dallas-Fort Worth What About Ramadan? Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and one of the most sacred months in Islam. During this time, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset for 29 or 30 days. Muslims around the world are celebrating the festival of Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of Ramadan. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which lay the basis for how Muslims The holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر), which marks the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Shawwal, [58] the next lunar month, is declared after a crescent new moon has been sighted or after completion of thirty days of fasting if no sighting of the moon is possible. When Does Ramadan 2025 Start and End? Ramadan 2025 is expected to begin on the evening of Friday, February 28, 2025, and end on the evening of Saturday, March 29, 2025. The exact dates depend on the sighting of the moon. Why is Ramadan Important in Islam? Fasting in Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
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