The effect of fasting during Ramadan on the immune system is favorable. Ramadan fasting has no impact on kidney function and urine component. Conclusion: Studies showed that Ramadan fasting has health protective effects. More precise studies should be conducted for more reliable conclusion. Ramadan fasting lasts for 29–30 days, Muharram fasting for 10–12 days, and Lent fasting lasts for 40 days. The Ramadan fasting period may vary with the geographic region, but generally it is 12 hours long. It can be as long as 22 hours in the polar regions during summertime (1 – 4). The role of optimum diabetes care in form of Ramadan focused diabetes education, flash glucose monitoring system and pre-Ramadan dose adjustments in the safety of Ramadan fasting in high risk patients with diabetes. Ramadan fasting is associated with reduced activity and sleeping time, but no significant change in RMR or TEE. Reported weight changes with Ramadan in other studies are more likely to be due to differences in food intake. Ramadan fasting is associated with short-term favorable changes in the metabolic profile concerning risk of some chronic diseases. These findings should be further investigated in future, larger studies of longer follow-up with clinical outcomes. The dramatic change in lifestyle associated with Ramadan fasting raises questions about its effect on metabolism and health. Metabolites, as the end product of metabolism, are excellent candidates to be studied in this regard. Leading up to Ramadan there was concern that observing fasting, with its calorific and water restriction, could either exacerbate or predispose people to COVID-19 and cause harm. Ramadan fasting induces diurnal metabolic adjustments (morning v. evening) with no carryover effect observed throughout Ramadan fasting despite the extended daily fasting period and changes in body composition. We took advantage of intermittent fasting being voluntarily observed during the Islamic faith-associated Ramadan and sampled feces and blood, as well as collected longitudinal physiologic data in 2 cohorts, sampled in 2 different years. The fecal microbiome was determined by 16S sequencing. The effect of fasting during Ramadan on the immune system is favorable. Ramadan fasting has no impact on kidney function and urine component. Conclusion: Studies showed that Ramadan fasting has health protective effects. However, according to the Epidemiology of Diabetes and Ramadan study, 43% of individuals with type 1 diabetes do fast. 1 Due to the long hours of fasting, the main concern is the associated increased risk of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. 1, 12 Patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes, those with unstable plasma glucose Most healthy adults in Muslim communities practice fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. This kind of fasting involves daily abstinence from food and water, from sunrise to sunset, a period that lasts approximately 12 to 17 hours, depending on the season and geographical latitude. Ramadan fasting and chronic kidney disease: does estimated glomerular filtration rate change after and before Ramadan? Insights from a mini meta-analysis. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis (2015) 8:53–7. 10.2147/IJNRD.S61718 [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 61. Bragazzi NL. Ramadan fasting and chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. Leiper JB, Junge A, Maughan RJ, Zerguini Y, Dvorak J. Alteration of subjective feelings in football players undertaking their usual training and match schedule during the Ramadan fast. J Sport Sci. 2008; 26 (Suppl. 3):55–69. [Google Scholar] Leiper JB, Molla AM, Molla AM. Effects on health of fluid restriction during fasting in Ramadan. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five fundamental pillars of Islam and mandatory for all healthy adult Muslims to fast from sunrise to sunset for a period of a month. During fasting, Muslims are required to refrain from all intakes of food, water, beverages, smoking and from sexual intercourse. Results: During Ramadan, GRI improved by 54.6% (from 56.4 to 25.6), CHypo decreased by 60% (from 6 to 2.4), and CHyper dropped by 40.5% (from 21 to 12.5). However, these benefits were temporary, as glycemic measures increased after Ramadan, reflecting a return to pre-Ramadan patterns once normal routines resumed. Marbut MM, Abbass MT, Al-Kotobe MF. The effect of Ramadan fasting on serum calcium, phosphorus, andParathyroid hormone in normal healthy subjects. The Medical Journal of Tikrit. 2006;1(121):58–60. [Google Scholar] 36. Mansi K, Amneh M. Impact of Ramadan fasting on metabolism and on serum levels of some hormones among healthy Jordanian strudents. Ramadan fasting represents one of the five pillars of the Islam creed according to the Sunnah and the second practice of faith for the Shiaa. Even though patients are exempted from observing this religious duty, they may be eager to share this particular moment of the year with their family and peer Farshidfar GHR, Yousfi H, Vakili M, Asadi Noughabi F. The effect of Ramadan fasting on hemoglobin, hematocrit and blood biochemical parameters. Journal of Research in Health Sciences. 2006;6(2):21–7. [Google Scholar] 19. Saleh Mans KM. Study the Effects of Ramadan Fasting on the Serum Glucose and Lipid Profile among Healthy Jordanian Students. Many people with chronic diseases fast and experience symptoms while fasting. Being woman and not waking up for sahur was related with the symptoms during Ramadan fasting. Most participants with NIDs fasted during Ramadan without consulting their doctors. Keywords: Fasting, Ramadan, Non-infectious Disease, Chronic Disease, Consultation
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