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Today's hijri date. The Hijri date today is Thursday, Shaaban 28, 1446 AH in the Islamic calendar. Using the Gregorian calendar, the date is February 27, 2025. The month of Shaaban represents the eighth month in the order of the months of the Hijri (Islamic) calendar. And according to the solar calendar the date is 8 of 1403 in the sign of Hūt Download the Ramadan Calendar 2025 and print the schedule of Ramadan 2025 / 1446. Share the Ramazan calendar 2025 or Ramadhan Timing of Sehar Time (Sahur, Sehr or Sehri) and Iftar Time with your friends and family and know all about Ramzan. The holiday is celebrated on different dates each year. Every year, it starts approximately 11 days before the previous year's. The exact date is determined by the sighting of the new moon. Today is Wednesday, February 26, 2025. In the Islamic calendar, the date is 27 Shaaban 1446. Is 2025 leap year? No it is not leap year. Is it a leap year? You can also convert the Hijri Date to Gregorian, or convert Gregorian to Hijri. The Hijri year consists of 354.3 days, and the number of months is 12 months. The month comes in the Hijri year with either 29 or 30 days. Display Today's date of the Hijri and the Gregorian day in the Hijri and Gregorian calendar site. Today's date is updated automatically every day. Each month begins with a new moon, counting days from sunset to sunset. The Arabic date is also known as the Hijri calendar after Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE (Common Era). The current year in the Arabic date is 1446 AH (Anno Hegirae), which translates to 2024. Find the most accurate Islamic calendar 2025 with Islamic month names and Hijri calendar 1446 to the Gregorian calendar on IslamicFinder. Download the Muslim calendar of 1446 Hijrah and Gregorian calendar and Islamic Calendar 2025 date today. Islamic Hijri Calendar and Gregorian Calendar For 1446 This month Shaban Previous Month Rajab Today's date tool enables you to know the Gregorian date and the corresponding Hijri date, in addition to knowing the day and hour according to local time. Many occasions are linked to the Hijri date, including Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. Today Islamic date in Saudi Arabia or KSA is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know about the exact Islamic date today or the Arabic date. What is Islamic date today? Today’s Islamic Date in Saudi Arabia in the Islamic Hijri calendar is 27 Shaban 1446. What is the Islamic Date today? Islamic Date Today is 28 Shaban 1446 in Saudia Arabia. Islamic date May 2025 - People often utilize the online Hijri calendar to find today Islamic date. This page is just perfect for reading the exact Islamic date today. It is noted that the Hijri date varies in The hijri date today in Oman. Today is Tuesday, February 25, 2025. The hijri date in Oman is Shaaban 26, 1446 AH according to the Islamic calendar. Oman can have different dates from other countries at the same time, as Oman and some countries are in time zones that are ahead or behind other countries. Today Islamic Date in India is 28 Shaban 1446. Get accurate Islamic Date today as per islamic calendar of India. Check Muslim Hijri date of year 1446 or moon date according to Gregorian weekly and monthly calendar. Islamic Date today in Pakistan 2025/1446. Islamic date today in Pakistan is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know the exact Islamic date today or chand ki date. What is the Islamic date today in Pakistan? Islamic date today in Pakistan is 28 Shaban 1446 on Today Islamic date in Bangladesh is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know about the exact Islamic date today or chand ki date. Islamic Date Today – Islam is the second biggest religion in the world with around The hijri date today in Saudi Arabia. Today is Thursday, February 27, 2025. The hijri date in Saudi Arabia is Shaaban 28, 1446 AH according to the Islamic calendar. Saudi Arabia can have different dates from other countries at the same time, as Saudi Arabia and some countries are in time zones that are ahead or behind other countries. Islamic date today (Arabic or Hijri date) today and Gregorian date today in United Arab Emirates 27 February - Shubat (2) 2025, 28 Shaban (8) 1446. Includes Islamic date converter, Hijri and Gregorian calendar. Islamic Date Today in Nigeria. Feb 25, 2025 - Today Islamic Date in Nigeria is 27 Shaban 1446. Islamic Date is also called Hijri Date or Today Arabic Date in the Muslim world that follows Moon phases as a lunar calendar. Check the exact Islamic date today in Nigeria with an accurate Hijri date updated daily.

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