Ramadan B. Hussein, the archaeologist who associated his name with a series of exceptional discoveries in Saqqara, Egypt, has passed away after a short severe illness. Ramadan Badry Hussein studied Egyptology at Cairo University before working for Egypt’s Antiquities’ public sector as an inspector in Saqqara and Giza. On 9 March, my close friend and colleague, the young, brilliant, and promising Egyptian archaeologist Ramadan Badri Hussein, passed away after a short illness in Germany. It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of our dear Egyptian colleague Ramadan Badry Hussein (1971-2022), who was not only an excellent and talented Egyptologist, but first and foremost our very good friend. Dr. Ramadan B. Hussein passed away after an all too short battle with cancer on March 9th. He leaves behind his wife Angela, sons Yousef (Joey), Benjamin and daughter Martha. To those who knew Ramadan, he was a bright light of positivity. Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Khaled al-Anani has decided to publish a commemorative issue of the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ periodical in honour of Egyptian archaeologist Ramadan Badri Hussein, who passed away aged 50 early in March 2022, following a short but severe illness. Ramadan B. Hussein—In Memoriam. In March 2022, the Department of Egyptology and Assyriology of Brown University lost one of its most distinguished alumni, Dr. Ramadan Badry Hussein. His death also deprived Egypt, and Egyptology, of one of its premier Egyptologists, and his wife and family of a loving and devoted husband and father. Ramadan Badry Hussein studied Egyptology at Cairo University before working for Egypt’s Antiquities’ public sector as an inspector in Saqqara and Giza. The publication honors the late Dr. Ramadan Hussein, a distinguished Egyptologist known for his significant contributions to the field, including the notable discovery of a mummification workshop at Saqqara. This volume is a tribute to his legacy, showcasing his scholarly impact and the fond memories shared amongst colleagues and peers. Ramadan B. Hussein—In Memoriam. In March 2022, the Department of Egyptology and Assyriology of Brown University lost one of its most distinguished alumni, Dr. Ramadan Badry Hussein. His death also deprived Egypt, and Egyptology, of one of its premier Egyptologists, and his wife and family of a loving and devoted husband and father. Ramadan Hussein Universität Tübingen. In the ancient Egyptians’ minds, death was a transitional stage toward immortality, and life after death was achievable through a set of rites that was performed for the deceased person. Con la triste desaparición del egiptólogo Ramadán B. Hussein hemos perdido un gran personaje para los amantes de esta cultura y de su investigación. A él se debe el descubrimiento de la máscara de Egiptología (de Egipto y griego -λογία /span>, -logia; árabe: علم المصريات) es el estudio de la historia, el idioma, el literatura, religión, arquitectura y arte desde el V milenio a. C. hasta el final de sus prácticas religiosas autóctonas en el siglo IV d. C. Un practicante de la disciplina es un "egiptólogo". El egiptólogo Ramadan Hussein le dijo a la National Geographic que lo descubierto en este cementerio prueba que “los embalsamadores tenían un gran sentido del negocio y eran muy inteligentes Unos 30 metros bajo tierra en Saqqara, el egiptólogo Dr. Ramadan Hussein y su equipo han estado excavando un complejo funerario único. Hay docenas de momias en diferentes cámaras, pero ahora han encontrado una habitación que contiene un gran sarcófago de piedra. Eran muy inteligentes a la hora de ofrecer "alternativas", afirma Ramadán Hussein, egiptólogo de la Universidad de Tubinga, Alemania. ¿Una máscara mortuoria de lujo elaborada con oro y plata es demasiado cara? Podrían haberle ofrecido el paquete "lámina de oro y yeso blanco", indica Hussein. El yacimiento, que está siendo excavado desde 2018 por el equipo del egiptólogo Ramadan Hussein, de la Universidad Eberhard Karls de Tubinga, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Antigüedades OBITUARY - PROF RAMADAM BADRY HUSSEIN It is with great sadness that we inform you that Egyptologist Prof Dr. Ramadan Badry Hussein passed away today. He was fine until he fell ill and passed away She looked up to Dr. Ramadan as an inspiration, so that says everything about what a truly great person he was. A true loss, but thanks to his unrelenting desire for knowledge, he has inspired generations of teachers and students who will come up knowing the import of his research, findings, and teachings. View the profiles of people named Ramadan Hussein. Join Facebook to connect with Ramadan Hussein and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power Ramadan B. Hussein has passed away. The archaeologist associated with. He associated his name with Saqqara, excavating the first ever known mummification workshop.The post Ramadan B. Hussein has passed away appeared first on Archaeology Wiki.
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